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LYD Wireless Security System DVR Infrared SurveillanceLYD Wireless Security System DVR Infrared Surveillance Review,Overviews,FeaturesPicture Super cheap of .

The UDW10003 digital wireless surveillance system by Uniden offers security and peace of mind with the convenience of a portable monitor receiving a video camera. Included in the digital surveillance system is a portable UDWC23 camera and a colored video display. The system comes with the Uniden Security Surveillance software allowing features including smart motion detection, record scheduler, and detection sensitivity so you can have detailed playback of the footage recorded from your pc. The 3.5-inch color screen supports up to four cameras with quad playback so you can view up to four cameras at once. Other views include auto scan and individual view. Use the digital zoom and pan capabilities to retrieve detailed information that is difficult to see under normal view. The wireless surveillance system uses 2.4 digital FHSS, which means zero interference from other devices and prevents any hacking into your system. The portable LiON rechargeable battery offers up to 4-hours of life for the camera and 8-hours for the base. and then update cheapest prices immediately. Limited time Only!

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